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Text File
224 lines
# For details refer to the EazyBBS Manual
# General Settings
# Name of your mailbox
# (shouldn't be longer than about 20-30 chars)
MailboxName "ZikZak"
# Name of your UUCP site
# (if you don't have one give it a dummy name like "foobar")
UucpName zikzak.in-berlin.de
# Maximum time of inactivity (in seconds) before logout
Timeout 120 seconds
# Default time for guests (in minutes)
GuestTime 20 minutes
# Default prompt for new users
# (see "MB_DATA:LongHelp/General.1" for details)
DefaultPrompt "[%r] %l:%a%b> "
# Minimum free space (in bytes) on your harddisk
# (EazyBBS quits if less)
HarddiskLimit 0 bytes
# Standard task priority
# (if you're running more than one port over a serial line all
# task priority values (standard + transfer) should be the same)
TaskPriority-Std 1
# Transfer task priority
# (if you're running more than one port over a serial line all
# task priority values (standard + transfer) should be the same)
TaskPriority-Xfer 2
# Name of xprzmodem.library
XPRZmodemName xprzmodem.library (must be version 2.0 or higher)
# Console-Call allowed by default?
Chat-Status on (by default)
# Logging of all text (by default) if user at console enters a chat?
ChatLog-Status off (by default)
# Number of articles marked as unread if user selects new board
NewUnread 3
# Show user's realname when displaying messages, mails etc.
ShowRealname off
# Serial Settings
# Speed modem <-> computer
Baud 38400 bps
# Serial device name/unit
ModemDevice serial.device
ModemUnit 0
# Time how long EazyBBS drops DTR so that modem hangs up
# (in tenths of second)
HangupTime 20 (tenths of a second)
# After how many Rings EazyBBS goes on-hook
# (see also "MB_DATA:ModemRing/*")
RingDelay 1
# Various Settings
# Extra (bonus) time for uploads:
MessageBonus 100 %
MailBonus 0 %
UploadBonus 100 %
# within first half of usertime...
Download-Overdraw 100 %
# Extra (bonus/minus) time for login time:
TimeBonusTable =+++++++++++++=====-----
TimeBonusPlus 20 min.
TimeBonusMinus 10 min.
# Editor line limits:
MessageLines 750
MailLines 750
FileCommentLines 50
MailIntroLines 10
# Graphical Rendering
# Intuition font name and size
# (menu, screen/window title)
IntuiFontName helvetica.font
IntuiFontSize 13
# Text font name and size
TextFontName topaz-classic.font
TextFontSize 8
# Colors
# (rgb_number = 256*red + 16*green + blue)
# background, foreground (pen) and two additional colors
# RGB_Color1 273
# RGB_Color2 3839
# RGB_Color3 2184
# RGB_Color4 1102
# original OS 2.0 colors
# RGB_Color1 2730
# RGB_Color2 0
# RGB_Color3 4095
# RGB_Color4 2950
# OS 2.0 colors (slightly modified)
RGB_Color1 3258
RGB_Color2 0
RGB_Color3 4095
RGB_Color4 2916
# Screen and Window Dimensions
# PosX/PosY/Width/Height of EazyBBS screen
ScreenPosX 0
ScreenPosY 0
ScreenWidth 0 (pixel) -- IGNORED, screen always 80 chars wide
ScreenHeight 400 (pixel)
# ScreenHeight 600
# Screen mode for EazyBBS screen, like in "ScreenMode" prefs program
# (use "Workbench" for cloning Workbench's screen mode)
# ScreenMode "NTSC:High Res Laced"
ScreenMode Workbench
# ScreenMode "PICASSO:800x600"
# Open screen after start of EazyBBS [on/off]
# (keep in mind: console output slows down your system!)
ScreenOpen on
# Draw window border on EazyBBS screen [on/off]
# (does not affect EazyBBS windows)
WindowBorder off
# Extra space (in pixels) between border (window/screen) and text.
SpaceBorder 1
# Extra space (in pixels) between titlebar (window/screen) and text.
# Don't forget, that "SpaceBorder" is added to this value.
SpaceTitle 2
# Position and size of iconified EazyBBS window (on Default Public Screen)
# WindowPosX 704
# WindowPosY 18
# WindowWidth 640
# WindowHeight 400 (not used yet)
WindowPosX 0
WindowPosY 0
WindowWidth 420
WindowHeight 400 (not used yet)
# Open window on this public screen, if not found open own screen
PubScreen 2Workbench
# Editor when editing texts from console,
# %s is placeholder for textfile -- if not present filename is appended
# (use "builtin" for EazyBBS' internal editor)
# ConsoleEditor builtin (use internal editor)
ConsoleEditor "Ed %s -sticky"
# read the dox!